Bomb Flow Episode 6 "The Rise of Blue Balls" from BombFlowTV on Vimeo.
Bomb flow Tv épisode 6
the todo palguin
Due to the low water levels of Chile we had to hurry up on the todo palguin day. I was the only one this year wanting to try to stomp that beast, luckily It went better than 2 years ago when I boofed it, swam and pretty much ate shit! I had a sweet line and a "soft" landing. Super stoked for that... we then kept going together with Anton and EG all the way to lower palguin running medio and everything except of turbina and brendan's rapid. Todo's palguin are probably one of the stoutest runs out there! Come and check it for yourself, run the shit in Chile! Also make sure to check the new bomb flow teaser for the episode 6 wich Is coming super hot!!
- Redemption time! two years ago I boofed, swim and pretty much ate shit on this one... This year was another history. sick shot by my friend mathias fossum!
- Myself dropping in to middle palguin photo: mathias fossum
- the rats house!
- Mathias "papa" back on the game!!! yeees!!! photo: ANIOL SERRASOLSES
- more from the medio! photo: ian garcia
- myself going for the stout 10, the entrance to the 70 footer photo: mathias fossum
- going down! photo: mathias fossum
- Eg the killer stomping the middle photo: ian garcia
- screen shot of myself going down in the 85 ft. salto palguin
- Exportacion, always easy to have crazy lines but super hard to stomp it!
- gopro shot of the stout 10!
- Boof to swim!!
- dropping in to the middle palguin, this is the moment we all kayakers rats live for, for 2 seconds nothing else in the world matters.... love it!!
- screen shot of myself on stout 10
Bomb Flow TV Episode 6 Teaser
on the road again...
After running the dirty Gerd we jumped on Evan and Anton car "blue balls" and droved straight to the nilahue, the most perfect slide/waterfall in the World. All the area is fucked because of the eruption of the volcano Puyehue, it all started on the month of June and still going on strong. The water is contaminated, the cows and animals are dying, and if it keeps this way the people living in the area gonna end up with black lung sickness...
Puyehue volcan erupting... |
person walking in one of the affected areas. |
We arrived Nilahue late in the afternoon, the water level was really low but the water was totally brown and full of ashes. In the pool below the drop there where thousands and thousands of floating volcanic rocks, we also could see rocks going up in the landing, really scary...
the boys checking the area |
Luckily Anton decided to go first and try the landing, everything went smooth and he didn't hit any rocks on his way down... We all followed and both had good and safe lines, crazy experience to run a drop with this conditions, later that day we all had sand and rocks all over our bodies.
anton firing up Nilahue |
here is me following! the last 2 drops I've done have become the most expensive In my entire life, I broke my brand-new paddle on this drop and now I'm on deep shit now with my last money spent on a paddle that I don't have anymore... |
We moved to the rio Florin after running nilahue, where our good friend Papa Garcia was waiting us with an amazing asado!!! Good times, lots of beers and wine and one of the most amazing places on earth for camp, with termas and the sickest river out there 2 minutes away from the camp.
the rats killin all the meat |
la cobra! |
We woke up with the calm next day had some good breakfest and headed to the river. It was pretty low but still good to go.
Anton on the Terremoto a scary double drop. |
myself on the 60 footer, such a sick drop and beautiful place to be! |
Two years ago we did the take out just after the big waterfall but you still can keep going down, where you find this beautiful 30 footer with a must boof, on the left there's one of the ugliest caves ever.
myself boofing it as hard as I could... |
papa Ian destroying blue berries falls! |
landscape from Futrono, you can still see the ashes coming out of the volcano... |
Great 2 days of roadtrip with the boys, can't wait to head south and live on the road for a few few weeks!
all this great photos by Mathias Fossum, thanks bro!
l'esprit PEK
Une petite sortie de printemps sur les 800m de Cauterets qu'on a un peu ralongé pour l'occasion ... Mais c'est une autre histoire ...
Merci a Thomas pour les photos... Bientôt de retours sur l'eau
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fred, fafa, flo, bel enchaînement... |
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fafa en bateau et max coupe des branche |
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fred en bateau, Max et fafa en sécu ... enfin dansl es branches |
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flo sur l'eau avec la même sécu que fred ... c'est ça aussi le creek... |
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fred fafa flo enchaînement |
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le max |
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fafa dans le drop final |
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max dans le drop final |
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Un cadre magnifique.... |
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flo dans le drop final 8 ou 9m |
time to get dirty! chile season on fire!
After almost 2 weeks kayaking in Chile we are starting to feel good about running stouts and charge hard. Today was the day to go run one of the craziest and scariest rapids I've ever seen. My old brother ran that drop 4 years ago now, with all the top rapids included... I doubt I would have run it without know that 4 other persons have run it since that time, most of them having crazy lines and good carnage...
my bro doing the 1st' d of this falls! |
On the left you recconect on rocks, the middle is good to go and If you go too far right you fall in to a crack...
anyway the drop itself is not the worst thing, the real deal of this waterfall is on the entrance where you have to make a crazy move against a hole, don't get your boat sucked up in the curly and keep your boat sraight on line...
boats falling off after a bit too much of rally on the dirt road to the llancahue... |
We geared up slowly and walked to the put-in falls, the more I looked at It the less I was feeling it.Too much options to get fucked and not much of stomping it without get any good hit... Luckily Evan was more fired up than me and decided to go first, he cleaned the entrance easily but missed a left stroke and ended up on the super far left side of drop where you reconnect with rocks, from the top I just got to hear the hit... He resurfaced fast and gave me the signal that it was good to go!
Evan going for it! |
I stopped thinking about it and ran into my kayak. Did a few strokes and started paddling into it. I went too far In the left on the entrance and got flipped out. That was the craziest moment upside down just a few meters away of the less clean and stoutest rapid out there... I rolled up fast and kept charging hard in to the right. Even so hard that I ended up in the crack...
fuckin it up and going way too far to the right. |
It went more smooth than what I expected and got to the bottom without flip, the impact was hard and I got pushed against the wall but safely made it down!
falling down |
stoked till I felt that my gopro was gone... sad for that cause I will not be able to get one for quite a while but happy that we all didn't get injuries! A few meters after the Dirty Gerd you got this beautiful 10 meters drop, clean as it gets! We both had sweet lines, after the drop you have to be fast and get out on the right of the river, some rope work needed...
evan layin treats |
myself enjoying the most PERFECT waterfall ever |
Thanks to all involved! For the safety, photos and everything! you guys are awesomme!
all the photos by Mathias fossum
living the dream! chile strong as never before!
This last year is becoming the most incredible adventure ever, It has been a few few months out of home, living out of my backpack and travelling from one place to another. I arrived Chile a week ago, we haven't lost anytime and we haved kayaked everyday. We started with the famous todo nevados at good water flows, good lines and lot of fun, that river is a gem.
esperando en Panama city para mi vuelo a santiago de chile |
Este último año esta siendo una de las mayores aventuras de mi vida. Ya llevó unos cuantos meses fuera de casa, viviendo de mi mochila viajando de un sitio a otro. Llegué a Chile hace una semana, no hemos perdido el tiempo y no hemos parado de remar! Empezamos con todo el rio nevados, menuda joya!
nevados slide |
demshitz drop entrance bien seguidito a Anton juanito crazy shot !! como te mandas brother! |
el diablito, por sino era suficientemente intimidante ahora el rapido tiene un tronco cruzado donde te puedes quedar atascado.... |
Next day was followed with two laps on the Puesco, boulder garden with continuous class Iv rapids, so good for hangovers and to just have fun paddling, making steeze and fast lines, a boater-cross here would be sick!
El dia siguiente remamos 2 rondas en Puesco, un continuado rio de clase IV con muchísimos boofs y buenos movimientos.
puesco style, puro clase IV continuado, paradise! |
Third day was the day for some medio palguin action, the easiest, coolest and healthiest 70 footer that you will ever find. We ran stout 10 with pretty good lines, and Evan and me went for a second lap form the seal-lunch. We then followed down to the lower where we met with our friend from Argentina Federico and headed up and for a fast upper palguin descent!
El tercer dia fuímos a correr medio paluin, la más fácil, perfecta y sana cascada de 24 metros que puedas encontrar. le dimos al stout 10 también, una rampita de unos 3 metros con una línea muy muy estrechita...
stout 10! la entrada a la cascada del medio palguin |
el medio palguin from the top. photo by ian garcia |
mas medio. photo by mathias fossum |
juanito destroying the medio!! photo by mathias fossum |
ian garcia going down the 70 footer. photo by mathias fossum |
Today was the day for salto palguin check this great shot from Mathias fossum!! I had a sweet line and everything went fine, we then kept going together with Anton and EG all the way to lower palguin running medio and everything except of turbina and brendan's rapid. stoked and getting fired up for some more fire!! chile season is coming really strong!!
Hoy ha sido el dia del salto palguin, mirate esta photo de mathias fossum! He tenido una buena linea y todo salió de lujo. luego seguímos con anton y evan corríendo todo hasta el bajo palguin, solo andamos 2 rapidos, turbina y brendan's rapid. muy en forma, feliz y motivado por lo que se viene!!