With the last rains in the north of our conuntry, the week before we went to Portugal. Albert Aixás,Carla Solé and me left Catalonia to join with Paulo Garikano and Mikel Sarasola, from the Vasque country.

We arrived at 4:30 am and slept near to the take out of the first section of the Castro Laboreiro river. The next morning, after having had breakfast, we search for the put in with the intention to kayak the first section of the Castro. I was surprised by the way people lives there, there is still who doesn't need the privileges of the modern times.

Albert Aixás
Photo by Marc Parra
Marc Parra in the first rapid
Photo by Albert Aixás
Running the last rapid
Photo by Albert Aixás
At the begining of the river it seems a quiet one, but after kayaking for 10 minutes we found the river we all were waiting for: a full drop and slides river with a perfect flow to navigate. The first rapid is a 300 meters explosive and complet one. Is full of little drops with some slide where at the end, all the water is concentrated in a closed slide. The next rapids are well marked and make you prest attention in all moment.

Albert Aixás runnig the perfect slide!
Photo by Mikel Sarasola
Paulo in the big rapid!
Photo By Marc Parra
 An impressing place!
Photo by Mikel Sarasola
Marc Parra Killin'it
Photo by Albert Aixás
The day wasn't much sunny but when we arrived at the impassable rapids, the clouds get joined to collapsed in rain and hail. After walk and crawl with the stones due to slippery granite we arrived to the river again, where the river gets oppened and it transforms in a full stones nice section.

Carla Sole running the best drop!
Photo by Albert Aixás

Mikel Sarasola in the perfect drop!
Photo by Albert Aixás
The next day once we had had a big breakfast, we prepared the boats and went to the water at 13:30 thinking that the second section of the Castro was shorter than the first, so we toke some time to make photos and videos. The first rapids are like the ending section of the upper part of the Castro. Then, after paddling for 30 minutes we arrived to the first of the three great waterfalls of this area, of no more than 10 meters. We runned well the two firsts drops, but with the increasing level of water, the last one was little ugly.
Then we did a 1'30 hour portage that we profit to enjoy the panoramic of the canyon until we arrived again at the river, where there's only a slide left and the river ends in a wood bridge where is located the take out.

Photo by Albert Aixás

Marc Parra happy!
The crew!
After being searching for the put in of the Mouro river, in other section of the area, the next day we finished in a restaurant eatting as it was the last time. At least we decided to leave and during the way to Catalonia we were told that the water levels of Pyrenees were perfect to kayak, what we have been waiting all the winter, so we change the destination and drove to the Ara river where we were going to meet Javier Infantes... to be continued!!! 

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